Cowboy of the Year Nominations

Jul 20, 2024 #CPRA #Pro Rodeo Canada #sport

Sponsored by Legend Rodeo Stock

Nominations are now being accepted for the Legend Rodeo Stock Cowboy of the Year Award 

Written nominations for the award must be received by the CPRA no later than August 16th, 2024.  The nominations should be as detailed as possible, establishing how the candidate has performed in each of the five categories. Only those candidates for whom a written nomination has been received shall be considered by the selection committee.  In addition, electronic copies of pictures are also appreciated to support the nomination as these will assist in creation of the presentation for the winner.

Please send nomination letters to:
Attention:    Patty Auger, Business Administrator

The qualifications and categories for judging are listed below:

  1. Qualifications – must have been a Full Carded member in good standing for at least five years with the CPRA.
  2. Categories – the categories set out in the award are ability, sportsmanship, appearance, personality and contributions to the betterment of the sport of rodeo. These categories are further defined as follows:

    a. Ability
    * Have they demonstrated outstanding ability in their Rodeo discipline?
    * Have they had to “try” or just been lucky?
    * Do they work more than one event?

    b. Sportsmanship
    * Do they accept victory and defeat as a pro?
    * Are they fair in their dealings?
    * Do they always abide by the rules and not try to get an unfair advantage for themselves?
    * Do they help others – be they beginners or veterans?
    * Do they try to change things for their own good, or for the general good of the sport?

    c. Personality
    * Are they friendly, co-operative and open with all, be they young or veteran contestants, rodeo committees, the press or rodeo fans?
    * Are they stable and consistent in their relationships?
    * Are they a credit to the sport?

    d. Appearance
    * Do they add to, rather than detract from, the production of a rodeo?
    * Do they follow the rules with respect to dress at a rodeo?Is his appearance a credit to the sport, and its image?

    e. Contributions to the betterment of rodeo – in what ways have they worked to improve rodeo:
    * Have they always been co-operative with and available to the press?
    * Have they willingly made appearances, given speeches and interviews, gone to schools etc., without a view to making a profit but to help rodeo?
    Development of the sport
    * Have they served on the Board, or committees, or carried out special projects beyond what is normally required of a member?
    * Have they worked toward developing programs or sponsors for the sport generally, not just for themselves?
    * Have they had constructive suggestions for the improvement of the sport, and carried through on these?
    * Have they done their share of judging, when needed, or taken part in clinics, or acted as a spokesman when needed?
    * Have they consistently had the interests of the CPRA. as a priority — finding trophy donors, seeking new ways to get exposure for rodeo, and helping new fans?
    * Have they, in short, extended themselves for the good of rodeo, without consideration of immediate rewards or gain?
    * Have they been a consistent ambassador for rodeo?

The selection committee shall consist of one (1) Award sponsor representative, the President of the CPRA and the previous recipients of the Cowboy of the Year Award, with a minimum of 3 up to 7 previous recipients forming the committee. The Award is expected to be presented at the Night of Champions event at the kick-off to the CFR.

The Cowboy of the Year will receive a trophy bronze, trophy buckle and a $2,000 cash prize, all sponsored by Legend Rodeo Stock.

* Download Cowboy of the Year Nomination Information here