About the Maple Leaf Circuit
The Maple Leaf Rodeo Circuit, endorsed by the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association (CPRA) and the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) includes over 35 rodeos on the annual CPRA roster, and concludes each year with an exciting four day Finals at Regina, Saskatchewan’s Canadian Western Agribition.
Ground Rules:
Rodeo count for contestants
Residents of the Maple Leaf Circuit (MLC) must compete at a minimum of 14 circuit rodeos (40%) and non-residents must compete at a minimum 17 circuit rodeos (which is 50%) based on 2024 Maple Leaf circuit rodeos. (Please refer to PRCA rules B9.4.5.1. concerning resident/non-resident requirements.)
For Breakaway Ropers to qualify for this year’s MLC Finals: residents must compete at 11 rodeos and non-residents must complete at 15.
PRCA/WPRA members may only compete at the Maple Leaf Circuit Finals if it is their designated circuit within the PRCA/WPRA as per PRCA/WPRA rules.
CPRA only members are eligible to compete at the Maple Leaf Circuit Finals however only PRCA/WPRA members for the 2025 season will be eligible to advance to the NFR Open. A PRCA/WPRA card must be purchased prior to competing during the 2025 rodeo season. Rodeo count/money won will not be back dated, this will be audited by the PRCA.
Permit and semi pro memberships will be included in Maple Leaf Standings but like the Canadian Championship standings money will not transfer from a Permit to Full card.
Maple Leaf Circuit will include rodeos $7999.00 or less.
PRCA/WRPA co-approved rodeos (held outside of the MLC) will count as money won but will not be included in rodeo count towards qualifying for the Maple Leaf Circuit Finals.
Contestants, stock contractors and contract personnel do not need a PRCA/WPRA membership to compete/work rodeos within the Maple Leaf Circuit unless they want to compete/work at the NFR or National Circuit Finals
Money won at Maple Leaf Circuit Finals will count for 2026 Canadian and World Standings
- If not enough contestants to fill contestant list have competed at their required rodeos, the CPRA will role back to the top of the MLC standings and fill in members with the highest ranked contestant without rodeo count. (Money won will not count to the 2026 CPRA/ PRCA/WPRA standings or be eligible for NFR open position without meeting rodeo count requirements)
Advancement to the NFR Open:
· The Maple Leaf Circuit will advance 2 representatives to the NFR Open in Colorado Springs (The MLC Finals Average Champion and the Overall MLC Champion) and they must be 2025 PRCA/WPRA members.
· If the same person is both the Average and Year End Champion, they will represent the Average winner position and the next highest ranked eligible contestant from the year end standings will represent the Year End Champion.
· If there is a tie for the Average championship and one of those tied is also the year end champion, that contestant will advance as the year end champion and the remaining tied contestant will advance as the average champion.
· If there is a tie for the Average Championship and neither contestant is the year end champion then determination of representative will be done using the NFR Open qualification tie breakers
i. First tie breaker will be single fastest time or highest marked score in any go-round at the Finals.
ii. Second tie breaker will be the second single fastest time or highest marked score in any other go–round at the Finals.
iii. Third tie breaker will be the qualifier’s standings prior to Finals competition.
· In the Team Roping in order to be eligible to advance through the Circuit Finals Average both team members must be eligible to advance to the NFR Open (Met Rodeo count, had 2025 PRCA membership, etc.) and must rope as a Team at the NFR Open
· In the event that Average Champion is not eligible to advance to the NFR Open the opportunity to advance will fall to the next qualified contestant in the Average standings. NOTE: should the Average representative choose not to advance to the NFR Open, the advancement opportunity will be passed onto the next highest ranked eligible contestant in the Year End MLC standings.
Ground Rules:
1. 10 contestants based on MLC standings
2. Rodeo count for contestants. Residents must compete at a minimum of 14 circuit rodeos (40%) and non-residents must compete at a minimum 18 circuit rodeos (50%) based on 2025 Maple Leaf circuit rodeos. (Please refer to PRCA rules 8.8. and 8.8.2. concerning resident/non-resident requirements.)
3. Permit and semi pro memberships will be included in MLC standings
4. PRCA/WPRA co-approved rodeos (held outside of the MLC) will count as money won but will not be included in rodeo count towards qualifying for the Maple Leaf Circuit Finals.
5. PRCA/WPRA members may only compete at the Maple Leaf Circuit Finals if it is their designated circuit within the PRCA/WPRA.
6. MLCF money won will count for 2026 Canadian standings
7. 4 go-rounds
8. Turn out/Alternate Procedure: Contestants who have originally entered and were eligible at time of entry but were drawn out will be added to an alternate list.
9. 30 Hour Replacement: A DR, VIR, or a notified TO can be replaced by an alternate as long as the notification is made through CRES at least 30 hours prior to the scheduled performance in which the contestant is being replaced. Notifications made after the “30-hour” deadline will not be replaced and notifications on record with CRES at the 30-hour deadline will be final. Replacements must be made prior to the first go round of competition. If stock has already been drawn in the riding events, the judges will draw an animal for the alternate contestant, after the TO deadline for that performance, from a pool consisting of the animal drawn by the contestant that he is replacing, any other turned out animals (which includes NTO’s, DR’s, and VIR’s), and the first designated re ride for that performance that is still available. If stock has not yet been drawn, the contestant will be drawn an animal by CRES during the scheduled stock draw time. Animals that are turned out (includes NTO’s, DR’s, and VIR’s) will not be included in the re-ride draw until after the TO deadline (3 hours prior to the performance) and replacements for that performance have been made, to ensure that there are the same number of animals and contestants for that performance.
* If a contestant notifies a turn-out, DR or visible release and is replaced by an alternate, the alternate contestant will be responsible for the entry fees. If the contestant that notified the turnout or visible release is not replaced by an alternate, they will be responsible for the entry fee. If a contestant properly doctor releases they will not be responsible for entry fees.
1. Top 4 in each round
2. Top 4 in aggregate
CWA Ground Rules:
1. Contestants may be scheduled for volunteer media, sponsor or community involvement during their 4 day stay
2. There will be no honorariums paid to contestants for these appearances
3. Timed event horses will have a strict schedule regarding arrival, release and arena times during CWA. Schedule will be made available in October
4. Only one horse per contestant will be allowed stalling space, with the exception of one hazing horse per steer wrestler
5. Contestants must stay in CWA approved hotels consistent with CWA sponsor agreements. CWA will provide the list of hotels early enough to make bookings
6. Tie Down Contestants – tying of calves on CWA grounds at any time will not be allowed
* MLC Committee/CWA will be in charge of all production/personnel/stock for Maple Leaf Circuit Finals
* Stock contractors & contract personnel do not need a PRCA membership to work rodeos within the MLC unless they want to take stock to/work at the NFR or NFR Open
2025 MLC Rodeos (tentative) | |
MARCH 2025 | |
Rimbey, AB | Mar 21-22 |
Medicine Hat, AB | April 25-27 |
Taber, AB | Apr 25-26 |
Crowsnest Pass, AB | April 25-27 |
May | |
Drayton Valley, AB | May 2-4 |
Falkland, BC | May 17-19 |
Leduc, AB | May 29-June 1 |
Hand Hills, AB | May 30-June 1 |
JUNE | |
Brooks, AB | June 6-7 |
Rocky Mountain House, AB | June 6-8 |
Bonnyville, AB | June 5-7 |
Stavely, AB | June 12-14 |
Innisfail, AB | June 13-15 |
High River, AB | June 20-21 |
Bassano, AB | June 20-22 |
Fort MacLeod, AB | June 24-25 |
Raymond, AB | Jun 30 & July 1 |
Airdrie, AB | Jun 27, 28 & 30 |
JULY | |
Nanton, AB | July 3-4 |
Benalto, AB | July 3-5 |
Bowden, AB | July 11-13 |
Kennedy, SK | July 19-20 |
Rockyford, AB | July 25-26 |
Bruce, AB | 27-Jul |
High Prairie, AB | July 29-30 |
Stettler, AB *(SB) | 30-Jul |
Grimshaw, AB | Aug 2-3 |
Cranbrook, BC | Aug 15-17 |
Pincher Creek, AB | Aug 15-17 |
Nanton, AB | Aug 22-23 |
Okotoks, AB | Aug 22-24 |
Merritt, BC | Aug 30-31 |
Coronation, AB ** | Sept 5-6 |
Medicine Lodge, AB ** | 06-Sep |
Olds, AB ** | Sept 12-13 |
Hanna, AB ** | Sept 12-13 |
Maple Leaf Circuit Finals ** | |
** Count for 2026 Canadian Standings but 2025 MLC Standings |