Nanton Pro Rodeo
Nanton AB
Aug 22-23, 2025

Maple Leaf Circuit 
PRCA/WPRA Approval Requested

  • 2 Perfs: Friday August 22 @ 6:00pm, Saturday August 23 @6:00pm
  • Performance Order
    • Timed Event Arena: BAW, TDR, TR, SW, LBR
    • Rough Stock Arena: BB, SB, WILD PONY, BR
  • Slack Friday August 22 @11:30am
  • Slack Order: LBR, SW, BAW, TR, TDR
  • Purse for Major Events: $2500
  • TR Purse: $5000 ($2500 per side)
  • Baw Purse: $2500
  • Permits Yes
  • Committee Contact: Shawna Bird
  • Rodeo Office: 403-652-8208
  • Rodeo Grounds: 2320 Golf Course Road Hwy 533 East, Nanton, AB
  • Arena: Outdoor
  • Main Stock Contractor: Macza Pro Rodeo
  • Timed Event Stock Contractor: Lazy B Timed Event 

Memberships Due: July 31@4pm
Online Entries: Aug 6@8am- Aug 7@2pm
CRES Entries: Aug 7@8am-2pm
Grace Period: Aug 7@3-4pm
Callback: Will be available on member login & website
Trades: August 12 @ 2 PM


Contestant Information:

1. During timed events we will have 3 liners
2. All contestants MUST park in the area to the left of the main entrance. ONLY personnel and spectators will be allowed to park up top in parking arenas.
3. Our insurance requires that barrel racers enter a holding pen leading up to the arena gate; the front gate will not open until the back gate closes. Contestants must enter the holding pen immediately after the contestant ahead of them enters the arena. The area outside the holding pen shares access to the rough stock arena for contestants and this is a safety issue.
4. All timed event contestants will enter from the back of the box. Team Roping Heelers, Tie Down Ropers, and Breakaway Ropers will enter from a holding pen. (SW due to multiple horse shares exempt)
5. The timed event and rough stock arena are side by side, we will be going back and forth between events during the performances. The numbers will vary based on entry numbers EX: Bronc Riding/Tie Down 3 broncs/3Tie down. 3 Broncs/3 Tie Down ect. We reserve the right to use both arenas at the same time so 2 events will be running one in each arena. Barrel Racing event will be run in TE arena with no Roughstock event during it.
6. There will be no riding in the arenas Aug 20-24. There is a warm up arena.
7. Limited stalling available. Book by emailing Stalls must be pre paid by transfer There are 30 covered stalls. $40 per night
8. Performance must be full before slack is offered
9. Nanton Rodeo Committee would like to be able to have sections in roughstock events that would enable us to move contestants who are conflicted by the CPRA at CPRA Rodeos. 

Entry Fees:

SB, BB, BR: $ 50
TDR, SW, TR: $ 150
LBR: $ 100
BAW: $ 125

+CRES & other associate fees with be charged in addition to all entry fees as per the rule book.
*BR – Does not include Day Money.