Rocky Mountain House, AB
June 6-8, 2025

Maple Leaf Circuit 
Winston Bruce Series
Kenton Randle Series
PRCA/WPRA Approval Requested

  • 3 Perfs: Friday June 6 @ 6:00pm, Saturday June 7 @ 1:30pm, Sunday June 8 @1:30pm
  • Performance Order: BB, TDR, BAW, SB, SW, JSR, TR, LBR, BR
  • Slack Thursday June 5 @11:00am
  • Slack Order: LBR, SW, TDR, BAW, TR
  • Purse for Major Events: $4100
  • TR Purse: $8200 ($4100 per side)
  • BAW Purse: $4100
  • JSR Purse: $600
  • Permits: Yes
  • Committee Contact: Brianna Kantor
  • Rodeo Office: 
  • Rodeo Grounds: SE 28-39-7-W5
  • Arena: Outdoor
  • Main Stock Contractor: Vold Rodeo
  • Other Contractors:
  • Timed Event Stock Contractor: Lazy B
  • Steer Riding Contractor: Mylyn Chamberlin

Memberships Due: May 14 @ 4pm
Online Entries: 
May 20 @ 8am – May 21 @ 2pm
CRES Entries: 
May 21 @ 8am-2pm
Grace Period: May 21 @ 3-4pm
Will be available on member login & website

Ground Rules:

Contestant Information: 

1. No contestant horse trailers or vehicles in the infield. Parking in designated area. You must walk on foot across the track and be able to provide your pro card to security. 
2. No garbage or manure is to be left behind in the contestant parking area, use provided bins and manure dump areas. (Wheel barrels available)
3. If there is a discrepancy with the gate passes, please pay the admission and the rodeo office will reimburse you. 
4. Do not drive across the track without bridge covering the track
5. Do not drive across the track if you do not have an infield pass. Contestant parking is located on the east side of the track indicated by “contestant parking” signs.
6. No tying horses or panels to the track fence
7. No pop-up barrels in the arena at any time.
8. No running horses on a barrel pattern
9. The arena will only be available for open riding on slack day from 8am-9am on June 5, 2025
10. The arena will only be available for open riding on performance days from 11am-12pm on June 6, 2025 and from 10am-11am on June 7-8, 2025
11. Horses may be warmed up in the infield in the grassed area on the north side. NO pop-up barrels.
12. There will be no pre-conditioning of any timed event cattle. They will run through the chute by the judges and committee to be shown the arena and out gate.
13. All horses are to be kept outside of the rodeo arena 2 hours prior to and during slack and performances, and while the tractor is in the infield. Only the next contestant to go is to have their horse(s) in arena.
14. Contestants and companions MUST produce their valid 2025 CPRA pro card to enter the grounds and infield. They must always keep it on their person.
15. Pro card will give access to all general admission and VIP areas of our grounds, but you will need to produce it when asked.
16. Any disrespect towards rodeo committee and/or volunteers will NOT be tolerated, and you will be removed from our grounds whether the incident occurs before, during or after our event. This will be strictly enforced by pro-rodeo officials and the RASA committee.
17. Slack @ 11am Thursday June 5, 2025. Order is: LBR, SW, TDR, BAW, TR
18. Performances are @6pm on June 6, 2025 @1:30pm on June 7, 2025 and @1:30pm on June 8, 2025. Order is: TDR, BAW, SB, SW, JSR, TR, LBR, BR
19. $1,000 increase in all major events and $2,550 increase for both header and heeler

Entry Fees:

SB, BB, BR: $ 70
TDR, SW, TR: $ 175
LBR: $ 150
BAW: $ 125
JSR: $40

+CRES & other associate fees with be charged in addition to all entry fees as per the rule book.
*BR – Does not include Day Money.