Upcoming Rodeo Schools

If you are a CPRA member and have an upcoming rodeo school, please send in your poster.
We’d be happy to post it in our Rodeo School Directory!

[email protected]
[email protected]

Brett Buss Team Roping Clinics

Johansen Brothers Steer Riding School

Stran Dunham Roping Clinic

Corleen & Rene Leclercq Barrel Clinic

Vanessa Leggett - Barrel Racing Youth Clinic

Carman Pozzobon Barrel Clinic

Bull Riding & Steer Riding Clinic with William Barrows, Lonnie Phillips & Blake Smith

Marci Powell Barrel Racing Clinics

Clayton Moore Steer Wrestling & Chute Dogging School

Moore Ranch Bucking Horse School

Timed Event School

Tie Down Roping Clinic

Lee Bellows Bucking Horse School