Notice of Special and Annual Meeting

Mar 6, 2025 #Pro Rodeo Canada #sport

Notice of CPRA Special and Annual Meeting
Saturday, April 5th, 2025, 1:00 pm MST
To be held in person at Acclaim Hotel Calgary Airport, 123 Freeport Blvd NE, Calgary, Alberta

Please note: For By-Law changes to be approved, they must be approved by each category of Regular Members: 
Contestant Member, Stock Contractor Member, Rodeo Committee Member and Contract Personnel Member.  Ballots are also included for electing the Association President, 2 Contestant Directors (contestants only) and 1 Rodeo Committee Director (rodeo committees only).  Your vote is important!

Rodeo Committees – please ensure that your ballot is cast by the Primary Contact or individual named with voting rights on the 2024 Approval Form.  Special event committees are not eligible to vote.

In order to make the AGM as efficient as possible, we encourage eligible contestant members to vote in advance of the meeting using the link emailed to you.  Anyone not voting in advance will still have the option of voting during the meeting but this approach simply lengthens the duration of the AGM as ballots cast at the meeting need to be counted, verified and added to the existing pre-vote count. 

Proxy form available here for any member wishing to proxy their vote and attendance to another individual. 
* Proxy forms must be received prior to the start of the AGM in the manner outlined on the proxy form.

CPRA Special Resolution 2025 By-Law Amendments here

At the conclusion of the formal AGM, there will be an open forum (question/answer period) for members.